In seventeen days, MAYDAY will launch stage two of its plan "to build a government of, by and for the people."
MAYDAY has indicated there will be "grassroots work" for supporters to do when stage two is launched, but I don't know what grassroots work MAYDAY will propose. In particular, I don't know what MAYDAY will say, if anything, about supporters sending unsolicited tweets or unsolicited emails ("spam") as part of their grassroots work.
On my own, I have been endeavoring to get a tweeting campaign going to announce the launch of stage two of MAYDAY's plan. See Tweeting the launch of stage two.
I have followed that up with a second tweeting suggestion. See Another tweeting suggestion.
There are numerous organizations besides MAYDAY.US, such as MoveToAmend, Represent.Us, WolfPac, Stamp Stampede and NHRebellion, that have a common objective of defeating the money monster in politics and regaining the Republic for all the citizens.
Can we use organized tweeting campaigns to help do this? What are your ideas? Please tell me
Update 2/26
I sent this email to my contact at Represent.Us:
From: Rob Shattuck <>
Date: Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 4:51 PM
Subject: Trying to get read on unsolicited tweeting
To: ______ <>
Update 2/26
I sent this email to my contact at Represent.Us:
From: Rob Shattuck <>
Date: Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 4:51 PM
Subject: Trying to get read on unsolicited tweeting
To: ______ <>
Dear _____,
Today I tweeted, to tweeters who recently used hashtag #getmoneyout, this message and link:
I did a significant amount of unsolicited tweeting growing out of the Represent.Us small business initiative. See Team up with Represent.Us re: small business.
This unsolicited tweeting generated 305 page views of For BCA small business members, 343 page views of More on Congress failing small business, and 431 page views of More for Alabama small business.
I am trying to get a read on the willingness of grassroots supporters of campaign finance reform to do unsolicited tweeting such as I have been doing, and whether their organizations think such tweeting is worthwhile.
I have started with MAYDAY.US and its Twitter followers and have gotten some information.
Tweet to defeat the money monster in politics . defeat-money-monster.html
If Represent.Us would care to proffer its view about my attempts to get organized, unsolicited tweeting going by grassroots supporters of campaign finance reform, I would be thankful to learn what Represent.Us thinks about this tactic.
To expand my information, please be advised that I may proceed to tweet the above message and link to Twitter followers of Represent.Us.
Thanks for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
And this to Move To Amend:
From: Rob Shattuck <>
Date: Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 8:33 AM
Subject: Organizing unsolicited tweeting campaigns
Date: Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 8:33 AM
Subject: Organizing unsolicited tweeting campaigns
Dear ___________,
I have been mainly waving the MAYDAY.US banner.
I have tried to reach out to Move To Amend supporters as well. See To Move To Amend supporters.
The reason for this email is my interest in organizing (or contributing to organizing) unsolicited tweetng campaigns by supporters of campaign finance reform across the board.
If you would, please read this blog entry of mine: Tweet to defeat the money monster.
Then, I would be interested in hearing any reactions you have to what I am trying to do, and whether Move To Amend is already promoting this kind of grassroots tweeting or would have an interest in promoting the same.
Thank you for your attention to this email, and I look forward to any response you make.
Dear _________,
In 2014 I endeavored to run for Congress in the Alabama 6th Congressional district, basically on the single issue of campaign finance reform.
For the past year, I have doing my best to publicize the campaign finance reform issue in the Birmingham area and elsewhere in Alabama. This has been a tough slog, and I have found virtually no active interest.
I am interested in learning how your grassroots activities are progressing in Alabama.
I am doing massive, unsolicited tweeting, and am interested in finding other persons who are willing to do the same. For the current state of my work, please look at this blog entry of mine: Tweet to defeat the money monster.
If you think it would be productive for us to communicate further related to our respective activities, please let me know.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck