Thursday, November 13, 2014

Using climate as dagger against DC political class

I continue to solicit discussion about "multiple issue" campaigns versus "root problem" campaigns. See Roy Cho candidacy: Root problem vs. multiple issues.

My campaign was a "root problem" campaign, and I am continuing it.

The news of the past two days of, first, the "historic agreement" with China about emissions, and, then, of "top" Republicans "slamming" the same, offered me the opportunity to do this campaign post: Time to revisit "Is global warming real?".

As I have said,  my message to voters in my "root problem" campaign  has been: "The common enemy of average Democrats, average Republicans, and average independents is the political class in Washington DC."

The above entry I have done (Time to revisit "Is global warming real?")  pushes hard on that message.

I solicit comment on this (as I desire comment on most everything I put in The MAYDAY Supporters Blog).

Thank you.

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