Thursday, September 18, 2014

Status report on MAYDAY supporters' activities

This blog advocates that MAYDAY.US supporters endeavor to interface aggressively with voters and candidates. This seems critically needed to help MAYDAY achieve its goals in 2014 and 2016.

I have been trying to do the foregoing and to join up with other MAYDAY supporters who want to do the same.

This is to report on what has been done so far (to the extent I am aware).

Tweeting into New Hampshire for Jim Rubens

At the start of the weekend before New Hampshire's September 9th primary, I tweeted to MAYDAY supporters a link to this: Let's tweet bomb into New Hampshire for Jim Rubens. There have been 620 page views of that link, most of which occurred prior to the Tuesday primary.

I personally sent a couple of hundred tweets (in the form I suggested) to followers of @NHGOP on twitter. I got both retweets and also flak complaining about my tweets being spamming. On balance, I think the positives of my tweeting greatly outweighed the negatives.

I did not become aware that any other MAYDAY supporters took up my tactic and sent their own tweets into New Hampshire.

Other ideas put out to MAYDAY supporters

I have put other ideas and suggestions to MAYDAY supporters for their consideration and have initiated my own implementation of the same to a limited extent.

These are indicated at the following links:

Engaging with Congressional candidates

Get your colleges and universities to hold Symposia

Get business going on our cause

Using Citizens United vote to publicize MAYDAY -- I have tweeted to followers of Gary Palmer and Mark Lester (the Republican and Democratic candidates in AL06 Congressional district) a link to this What does the AL 6th Congressional district think? I have gotten 250 page views of the link.

MAYDAY Facebook Group

The MAYDAY.US Facebook Group seems still unwilling to take up and recommend to members of the Group aggressive interface with voters and candidates. The Group promoted telephone calling to voters in New Hampshire, and I believe about 2500 calls were generated. The Group is to be complimented on this. I think there is much more they can promote for MAYDAY supporters to interface with voters and candidates. I hope the Group will decide to promote much more in this regard.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to engage the U of Iowa Policy Research Organization to study why such a high percentage of the public doesn't believe anything can be done about government corruption and then work toward opening discussion with the political science student group. Hopefully that will lead to a symposium on government corruption and campaign finance reform.
