Sunday, March 22, 2015

#TweetToDefeatMoney, Tweet Sheet 1

[Update 3/25: Yesterday, Stamp Stampede favorited this tweet message: "Will @StampStampede support #TweetToDefeatMoney? #getmoneyout #representus #wolfpac #movetoamend #maydayus #maydaypac" That favoriting could mean Stamp Stampede supports  #TweetToDefeatMoney. Maybe that would persuade MAYDAY, Move To Amend, Represent.Us, and WolfPAC to support #TweetToDefeatMoney. Maybe that would induce supporters of the organizations to tweet in tweeting campaigns. That would be very good news.]

[Update 3/23: There were about 250 page views of this yesterday. There were many retweets and favorites, but only three or four people copied and pasted tweet messages and tweeted the same to MAYDAY, Move To Amend, Represent.Us, and WolfPAC.   I would say, if those organizations cannot express support for the organized tweeting campaign being attempted, it is probably a waste of time and should be dropped. Right now those organizations are not reacting, and I think more tweets need to be sent to them. Today, I will tweet links to this entry again to those who retweeted (or favorited) yesterday. I ask those persons please to copy and paste one or more of the tweet messages into tweets and send the tweets to the organizations. We have to get  MAYDAY, Move To Amend, Represent.Us, and WolfPAC (and other organizations) at least to express support, and this is the only way I know how to do it. Thanks.]

Thank you, all you retweeters, etc., from the past several days.

Your retweets, etc., indicate to me you want  the I tweet to defeat the money monster campaign to work.

To make it work, we need to get MAYDAY.USMoveToAmendRepresent.UsWolfPacStamp StampedeNHRebellion, etc., to be behind the campaign and to promote it. See To campaign finance organizations.

Maybe MAYDAY.USMoveToAmendRepresent.UsWolfPacStamp StampedeNHRebellion, etc.  don't believe enough yet.

So, #TweetToDefeatMoney needs to make them believers and get behind this.

And you need to tweet to make them believe.

Below is a "tweet sheet". For now, you have to copy and paste tweets from the tweet sheet into your "Compose new Tweet" popup box on your Twitter. (I have not yet learned how to create "tweet this tweet" buttons for this page. I am trying to find out.)

So please copy individual tweet messages from the below tweet sheet as you wish to tweet, paste the same into your "Compose new Tweet" popup box on your Twitter, and tweet it.


Message 1:

Hey, @MAYDAYUS, you should get behind the #TweetToDefeatMoney tweeting campaign. Thanks. #maydayus #maydaypac

Message 2:

Hey, @RepresentDotUs, you should get behind the #TweetToDefeatMoney tweeting campaign. Thanks. #getmoneyout

Message 3:

Hey, @WolfPAChq, you should get behind the #TweetToDefeatMoney tweeting campaign. Thanks. #getmoneyout

Message 4:

Hey, @MoveToAmend, you should get behind the #TweetToDefeatMoney tweeting campaign. Thanks. #movetoamend

Update 3/24: Will or will not #maydaypac #maydayus support #TweetToDefeatMoney?

Update 3/27: See Report on #TweetToDefeatMoney

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