Friday, May 8, 2015

How is the MAYDAY rally going?

On May 1st, MAYDAY announced its plan to "rally the most effective, targeted citizen lobbying campaign we can to close the gap on reform," having as a goal to recruit 70 members of Congress to support fundamental reform.  See Lawrence Lessig’s email announcing the plan for 2015

In response, there have a couple hundred tweets by supporters using the hashtag #Leader4Reform and having the message, "Help recruit 70 more congressional leaders committed to fight political corruption. ."

Yesterday, on the MAYDAYPAC Facebook page, Lee Woodsmall posted:
Hey! I want to know: Why haven't you called Congress yet? Why won't you call Congress? What would make you call Congress? Chances are, if you're reading this, you haven't done it. But it's what we need, and I want to know what we can do to motivate more people to get involved. I get it, calling Congress isn't sexy. It probably isn't your definition of fun. But it's the only thing they listen to other than $. We don't have $ to give, but we have our voice. Why not lend it to the cause? No wrong answers; I want honest feedback. Thanks!
Also, MAYDAY has called special attention to a post of a new supporter telling how she came to make a decision to call her Senators and Congresspeople. See Call my Senators and Congresspeople!? Gulp.

Most of the past week's postings on the MAYDAY Reddit have been "News & Views."

For a couple weeks prior to May 1st, the MAYDAY team had a topic posted on Reddit Seeking citizen input on MAYDAY's goals in 2015. The topic was kept at the head of the Reddit and received many comments and replies from supporters, who put forth numerous ideas and suggestions. When the May 1st announcement was made, the topic was demoted to a position on the second page of the Reddit listing. In the past week, the topic has received only one additional posting.

The postings on the MAYDAY.US Facebook page and the MAYDAYPAC group page  have been largely informational, and little "rallying" has gone on, by MAYDAY and supporters who have posted on the Facebook pages.

I pay particular attention to Twitter. During the past week, I have been watching the hashtags #getmoneyout, #maydayus, #maydaypac, #Leader4Reform and #readyforbernie.

I think other organizations and persons, and their supporters, are showing more activity and interest on Twitter than are MAYDAY and its supporters.
I think MAYDAY''s call to action could and should be doing better.

Update 5/10

I am continuing the tweeting I started a week ago, which tweeting is indicated at

There are still tweeters tweeting about standing with Ben & Jerry against stupid tax cuts using the hashtag #getmoneyout. To them, I am tweeting "Those who stand with B&J against tax cuts should #CallCongress with #maydayus to "get money out.""

To tweeters using the #readyforbernie hashtag, I am tweeting, "Those who are ready for Bernie should call Congress for MAYDAY.US to "get money out." "

Only MAYDAY is in a position to investigate the extent to which my tweets have resulted in click throughs to the webpage. I estimate between 1 in 10 to 1 in 5 of the recipients have responded with a retweet, favoriting, follow, etc.

I have no idea at this time whether my tweeting will produce any Congressional calling by recipients of my tweets.

Update 5/11

Today, I replied on Twitter to numerous persons who evidenced interest in my tweet solicitations, and I included @MAYDAYUS on my reply so MAYDAY could see what results I was achieving.

I will be an interested observer of whether the job position of Lead Developer for which MAYDAY posted a solicitation this afternoon at will give MAYDAY a boost.

Update 5/13

The #getmoneyout hashtag continues very active. Yesterday evening I sent to the most recent tweeters who used #getmoneyout this tweet from me: "Please help "get money out" and call Congress for #MAYDAYUS.". I got responses back from some indicating interest, and I will pass these along to MAYDAY.

Also, yesterday, Lee Woodsmall's above post on Facebook was put on the Reddit as well, at

Further, MAYDAY initiated a weekly Citizen Town Hall on Tuesday evenings. Yesterday's Town Hall can be viewed at In the Town Hall it was reported that 2400 people have signed the Lessig/McKinnon letter, 2500 persons have signed on as volunteers, and over 500 calls have been made to Representatives.

Update 5/14

Now I am sending to tweeters who have used the #StampStampede hashtag this tweet: "Stamping stampeders should also call Congress with #maydayus to "get money out."

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