Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Would MAYDAY please clarify?

I am trying to understand the limitations MAYDAY is imposing on itself under the "coordination" rules.

Yesterday, on the MAYDAY Reddit, I posted a link to The limitations of MAYDAY. MAYDAY deleted my post, and I wish to understand why.

It would be helpful if MAYDAY would expressly state whether or not there is an absolute prohibition that no candidate may post anything on Reddit.

If there is not an absolute prohibition, would MAYDAY please state guidelines for what a candidate is allowed to post on Reddit.

If there is a prohibition that a candidate may not post on Reddit, would MAYDAY please state whether MAYDAY will take any steps to prevent the candidate from tweeting to MAYDAY followers on Twitter (i.e., will MAYDAY block a candidate from accessing MAYDAY's Twitter account page and its follower list)?

Will MAYDAY seek to regulate how candidates use the MAYDAY name, such as if a candidate says to the voters in the district that he or she will best advance MAYDAY's objectives? If MAYDAY will seek to regulate how the MAYDAY name is used, could MAYDAY please give an indication at this time about possible regulation that MAYDAY will attempt?

Could MAYDAY please post on the MAYDAY website guidance for candidates that answers some or all of the foregoing questions?

Thank you.

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